Training Evaluation Process
Posted on: November 28 2018, By : Neha Keni

Training is the specific procedure by which people learn knowledge and skills for a definite purpose. Training is a one-way process but it is a continuous or never- ending process. Training makes newly recruited people fully productive in the minimum period of time. Even for old employees, training is necessary to refresh them and enable them to keep up with new methods and techniques. In short, training is the act of improving or updating the knowledge and skill of an employee for performing a particular job. With training one can increase their knowledge as well their skills for doing particular job.
The idea of training and development is nothing new to the twenty-first century. Having developed considerably since over time, it has been refined into the sophisticated process that it is today. Process of training evolution includes:
· Classroom Training – Early years: While techniques such as simple training on the job and apprenticeships were employed in olden times, the Industrial Revolution marks the beginning of the modern employee training. For the first time, employers were faced with large numbers of untrained workers and were forced to think about training employees strategically. Driven by the rise of factories, which were dependent on human workers to operate complex machinery and hardware, classroom training was born. Factories needed employees trained quickly and cost efficiently in order to keep up the large demand for produced goods. The drawbacks of classroom training then is largely the same as it is today since workers were learning how to do their jobs out of context, they had to remember what they were taught in the classroom until they were back in the production line. Additionally, due to the nature of classroom learning, their training was abstract and theoretical. This forced employees to translate what they had learned into practical action, adding to the cognitive load. Despite the considerable administrative support, classroom learning still makes the occasional debut in the modern workplace. However, it is generally recognized as less efficient than a hands-on methodology.
· Individualized Instruction In The Office: Individualized guidance normally exchanges the teacher for self-study materials, thus cutting costs and increasing scalability. This strategy depends on programmed materials or job training that has been divided into easy steps. Upon completion of each step, an active response is required such as a small quiz, drawing a graph, or solving a problem. Immediate feedback is given after each response. It requires skilled people to prepare the subject matter in accordance with the job and supervise the process. Finally, like classroom training, it is usually off-task and out of context of the actual job.
· Early Machine Based Learning: While the first computer training didn’t roll out until 1960, the tech was used for teaching purposes as early as 1924 with the first testing machine. A few decades later, in 1954, a Harvard Professor came up with the teaching machine. This crude technology enabled schools, for the first time to administer programmed instruction to their students without a present teacher. The device worked by viewing questions through a small window, after which the learner could test themselves. Correct answers were rewarded.
· E Learning Tools For Employee Training: As computers became ubiquitous during the late 80's and early 90's, computer-based training (CBT) was the natural next step. An e-Learning strategy increases individualized instruction with digital tools, capitalizing on technology’s speed, branching capability and visual display. Webinars became the new classroom training, using video style lectures which can be viewed by employees from the comfort of their desks. Unfortunately, videos hierarchy, while excellent for initial training, pose difficulty for an individual hoping to brush up on material or searching for a specific term. Utilizing the cloud to store knowledge, allows the employer to supplement webinars with accessible, on-demand information. Agility is an advantage here as this allows organizations to update and maintain information easily.
· Digital Platform: In the age of digital transformation, organizations today face the challenge of software training. Much like the disturbance caused by factories during the Industrial Revolution, the rapid influx of today’s digital tools requires companies to once again rethink training methods and techniques. The key to the future of employee training tools is context, eliminating the gap between theoretical training and practical use. By offering a hands-on approach to learning workplace tools, companies can cut training time and budget.
Some current challenges and how training methods and tools are evolving to meet those challenges are:
· Different Learning Styles: The important point and challenge is that people have different ways of learning. Relying on a single traditional training method may work for some, but be ineffective for others. The good news is that technology has made it easier than ever to accommodate multiple learning styles.
· Generation Gap: Younger workers are more likely to expect a technology-enhanced, interactive learning experience. The good news here is that in the past 30-plus years, much research and thought has gone into determining the different ways that adults learn, and into developing training methods and tools that bridge not only generation gaps but all learning style gaps. And again, the Internet is making it easier and more affordable for businesses to deliver training solutions that will reach the broadest range of people.
· Language And Literacy Barriers: Clearly, language and literacy presents not one, but many challenges. A great deal of planning is required to accommodate those with different languages and different levels of literacy.
· Training Consistency: One drawback to traditional, instructor-based training methods is that all trainers are not created equal. And, even if an organization invests considerable resources to create consistent programs and presentation materials, the effectiveness of the training will vary from trainer to trainer.
· Turnover: Turnover is a constant challenge for many companies. Employees leave, positions quickly must be filled and personnel must be shuffled into new roles to meet changing needs.
Of course, there will continue to be an important place for a variety of training methods, including personal instructors, PowerPoint presentations, hand-outs etc. Each of which has its own unique advantages. Rather, the evolution of training is toward a blended solution that integrates the best of the traditional and online methods.
The idea of training and development is nothing new to the twenty-first century. Having developed considerably since over time, it has been refined into the sophisticated process that it is today. Process of training evolution includes:
· Classroom Training – Early years: While techniques such as simple training on the job and apprenticeships were employed in olden times, the Industrial Revolution marks the beginning of the modern employee training. For the first time, employers were faced with large numbers of untrained workers and were forced to think about training employees strategically. Driven by the rise of factories, which were dependent on human workers to operate complex machinery and hardware, classroom training was born. Factories needed employees trained quickly and cost efficiently in order to keep up the large demand for produced goods. The drawbacks of classroom training then is largely the same as it is today since workers were learning how to do their jobs out of context, they had to remember what they were taught in the classroom until they were back in the production line. Additionally, due to the nature of classroom learning, their training was abstract and theoretical. This forced employees to translate what they had learned into practical action, adding to the cognitive load. Despite the considerable administrative support, classroom learning still makes the occasional debut in the modern workplace. However, it is generally recognized as less efficient than a hands-on methodology.
· Individualized Instruction In The Office: Individualized guidance normally exchanges the teacher for self-study materials, thus cutting costs and increasing scalability. This strategy depends on programmed materials or job training that has been divided into easy steps. Upon completion of each step, an active response is required such as a small quiz, drawing a graph, or solving a problem. Immediate feedback is given after each response. It requires skilled people to prepare the subject matter in accordance with the job and supervise the process. Finally, like classroom training, it is usually off-task and out of context of the actual job.
· Early Machine Based Learning: While the first computer training didn’t roll out until 1960, the tech was used for teaching purposes as early as 1924 with the first testing machine. A few decades later, in 1954, a Harvard Professor came up with the teaching machine. This crude technology enabled schools, for the first time to administer programmed instruction to their students without a present teacher. The device worked by viewing questions through a small window, after which the learner could test themselves. Correct answers were rewarded.
· E Learning Tools For Employee Training: As computers became ubiquitous during the late 80's and early 90's, computer-based training (CBT) was the natural next step. An e-Learning strategy increases individualized instruction with digital tools, capitalizing on technology’s speed, branching capability and visual display. Webinars became the new classroom training, using video style lectures which can be viewed by employees from the comfort of their desks. Unfortunately, videos hierarchy, while excellent for initial training, pose difficulty for an individual hoping to brush up on material or searching for a specific term. Utilizing the cloud to store knowledge, allows the employer to supplement webinars with accessible, on-demand information. Agility is an advantage here as this allows organizations to update and maintain information easily.
· Digital Platform: In the age of digital transformation, organizations today face the challenge of software training. Much like the disturbance caused by factories during the Industrial Revolution, the rapid influx of today’s digital tools requires companies to once again rethink training methods and techniques. The key to the future of employee training tools is context, eliminating the gap between theoretical training and practical use. By offering a hands-on approach to learning workplace tools, companies can cut training time and budget.
Some current challenges and how training methods and tools are evolving to meet those challenges are:
· Different Learning Styles: The important point and challenge is that people have different ways of learning. Relying on a single traditional training method may work for some, but be ineffective for others. The good news is that technology has made it easier than ever to accommodate multiple learning styles.
· Generation Gap: Younger workers are more likely to expect a technology-enhanced, interactive learning experience. The good news here is that in the past 30-plus years, much research and thought has gone into determining the different ways that adults learn, and into developing training methods and tools that bridge not only generation gaps but all learning style gaps. And again, the Internet is making it easier and more affordable for businesses to deliver training solutions that will reach the broadest range of people.
· Language And Literacy Barriers: Clearly, language and literacy presents not one, but many challenges. A great deal of planning is required to accommodate those with different languages and different levels of literacy.
· Training Consistency: One drawback to traditional, instructor-based training methods is that all trainers are not created equal. And, even if an organization invests considerable resources to create consistent programs and presentation materials, the effectiveness of the training will vary from trainer to trainer.
· Turnover: Turnover is a constant challenge for many companies. Employees leave, positions quickly must be filled and personnel must be shuffled into new roles to meet changing needs.
Of course, there will continue to be an important place for a variety of training methods, including personal instructors, PowerPoint presentations, hand-outs etc. Each of which has its own unique advantages. Rather, the evolution of training is toward a blended solution that integrates the best of the traditional and online methods.
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