What is the meaning of Industrial Relationship

Posted on: November 06 2018, By : Shriniket Shetty
The meaning of Industrial Relationship
Industrial relationship within an organisaiton is all about the relationship between an employee and management. Industrial relation can be defined as relation of Individual or group of employee and employer for engaging themselves in a way to maximize the productive activities. Industrial relations has sought out to seemingly become one of the most delicate and intrinsic  problems of modern industrial society. Progress within the industries is impossible without cooperation of labors and harmonious relationships. It is considered to be in the interest of all to create and maintain good relations between employees (labor) and employers management. Industrial relations examines various employment situations, not just ones with a unionized workforce
Industrial relations has its roots in the industrial revolution which created the modern employment relationship by spawning free labour markets and large-scale industrial organizations with thousands of wage workers. As society wrestled with these massive economic and social changes, labour problems arose. Industrial relations involve attempts at arriving at solutions between the conflicting objectives and values; between the profit motive and social gain between discipline and freedom, between authority and industrial democracy; between bargaining and co-operation; and between conflicting interests of the individual, the group and the community
Industrial relations are the relationships between employees and employers within the organizational settings. The field of industrial relations looks at the relationship between management and workers, particularly groups of workers represented by a union. Industrial relations are basically the interactions between employers, employees and the government, and the institutions and associations through which such interactions are mediated.
The relationships which arise at and out of the workplace generally include the relationships between individual workers, the relationships between workers and their employer and the relationships between employees. The relationships employers and workers have with the organizations are formed to promote their respective interests, and the relations between those organizations, at all levels
Need of Industrial Relation has arisen to defend the interest of workers for adjusting the reasonable salary or wages. It also helps the workers to seek perfect working condition for producing maximum output. Workers/employees are concerned with social security measures through this. Industrial Relations is also needed for achieving the democracy by allowing worker to take part in management, which helps to protect human rights of individual. Industrial relations affect not merely the interests of the two participants labor and management, but also the economic and social goals to which the State addresses itself. To regulate these relations in socially desirable channels is a function, which the State is in the best position to perform In fact, industrial relation encompasses all such factors that influence behaviour of people at work
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